Market Analytics

Market Analytics

F=MA and You Can’t Push on a Rope… Loosely quoted, a Sir Isaac Newton gave the world some guiding principles that with a little imagination can be applied to many fields of endeavour. Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by forces impressed. Every body under the sole action of its innate force moves uniformly in a straight line indefinitely unless something extraneous hinders it.

Getting Started

If it still doesn’t fit get a bigger hammer … The “Website Development” Section of this site reviews the evaluation process behind selection of a set of technology tools that enable the generation, publication and maintenance of the website that will host the results of this “Market Analysis” effort and now the process turns to the question of what tools will be used to further the development and deployment of the actual computations that will makeup the analysis.