Website Development

Website Development

Old age and treachery… Despite all of one’s efforts to backup and preserve the history of things, sometimes things just sink into that hazy area where one really can not be sure when something occurred. Such is the early history of the website I recall that I obtained the domain name shortly after Network Solutions was authorized to issue domain names to the pubic at large and charge a price for them.

Evaluating the Choices

Did you ever have to make up your mind… It seems that whenever one sets off to start a new project, the first thing one has to do is survey the range of tools and workflows that are currently available in order to make sure that one does not reinvent the wheel or go down a path that turns out to be a dead end. The project to determine how to implement the current generation of Ki2.

Things One Needs To Know

Picking a Theme, Functional Requirements and Things One Needs To Know So you’ve made the decision that you will execute your Static Web Project using Hugo and now it is time to select a “Theme”. You will find that there are many, many options for this. A good place to review some of the options for this can be found in the Hugo Themes Library. In my case, I selected the Mainroad Theme as a place to start.

Markdown Magic

Markdown Magic When coming back to web development after years of absence one of the first concepts that I had not previously heard of was “Markdown” files. Fortunately this one is quite simple, very useful and small enough to quickly get your arms around. After a little bit of research I found that: In 2004, John Gruber introduced a software project to aid in the conversion of text based content to formatted HTML that gained traction and is now used throughout the web.

Front Matter, Testing, Source Control and Deployment

Front Matter, Testing, Source Control and Deployment So you’ve got the structure of your site folders setup and implemented and you understand markdown and archtypes and how to generate the basic template of a content file so now it is time to start filling in the details of what the site will be. Something like the following will get you some intial content files to play with. As mentioned earlier, there is no need to be concerned that you might want to change the names or content of these files later as Hugo will deal with what it finds, when it finds it and will not care about obsolete file names or obsolete content.

Curly Bracket Mysteries, the Mystery of T and --- vs. +++

The Mystery of those Curly Brackets and Other Hard To Find Objects So you’ve made the decision that you will execute your Static Web Project using Hugo and you’ve spawned your new site, selected a Theme and added some content pages. Now you want to start looking at the partials that control how your pages are rendered and the first thing you come across are Double Curly Brackets, {{ }} or {{- }} or {{- -}} or {{ -}} and you are banging your head against the wall trying to determine what is the difference between these various notations.

Doing Google

I FOUND IT!… Is the tag line for an advertising campaign that “went viral” in 1976 and generated much talk and speculation. What is it? Who lost it? Where was it? As it turns out it was the invention of an evangelical Christian organization and it took the form of billboards, bumper stickers, lapel pins and print advertisements. It is estimated that: From 1976 to 1980, approximately 85% of Americans receive some exposure to the “I Found It!